2020 Annual Awards
Since 2013 we have awarded a Law Enforcement Office of the Year and a Volunteer of the Year to show our appreciation for these important members of our community. This year we had several amazing candidates to choose from.
Law Enforcement Officer of the Year

This award is determined by our staff who discuss and select an officer they feel has done an outstanding job with victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. Each year it gets harder and harder because we want to recognize so many, but maybe that would take the fun out of it.
As advocates, we are very appreciative of the work our law enforcement does, not only to ensure the safety of our communities but also in how they work with a victim. It is a difficult task for any officer to come on to a scene of domestic assault. Most often this crime is reported by a bystander so the officers really have no idea what they may come upon and it can quickly escalate into a very scary situation. The officer then has to build a rapport with a victim which can have its own struggles because the victim may not be ready to disclose any abuse or quite possibly, the victim is more fearful of their abuser. The best asset an officer has is to show compassion, patience, and great interview skills.
This year we recognized Detective Jordan Danielson as the Law Enforcement Officer of the Year. She has been with the Aberdeen Police Department for a year and a half and we have enjoyed working with her during this time. Detective Danielson showcases all of the traits we look for especially when working with victims of violence.
Volunteer of the Year

Each year, we vote to recognize our Volunteer of the Year and this year it was Fiala, hands down. She contacted our office last year before the end of the school year to see if she could spend some time with us during her summer break volunteering. Fiala came in 3 days a week for 3 months, roughly 4 hours each day. She helped to clean the shelter, organize our donations in the basement, and answer phones/doors, just to name a few tasks.
When it was time to head back to school, Fiala stated that she would like to come back the next summer during her break from school. This summer she is back at it. She is doing the same tasks plus more. This girl is very organized, keeps us updated on her schedule, keeps a smile on her face and makes us so happy to have her here. We really do appreciate all of her hard work. Our staff are amazed at the smart, beautiful, goal getter young lady she is. Thank you, Fiala!